Managing Innovation DBA Program presentation
How do you get a competitive advantage in the situation when all other market players are trying hard to save their business? How do you guarantee the growth and development of your business? Mergers and acquisitions during the crisis period are obviously a great way of increasing capitalization when free financial resources are available. What if there are not enough resources? How do you guarantee organic business growth? These are all familiar topics, aren’t they? There is no miracle methods that would help you get ahead of the competition in the blink of an eye and then continue with impressive growth.
However, there are practical ideas and experience of the leading companies, which managed to find the effective instruments of innovative development which led to growth and long-term advantage over competitors. Use this colossal bank of knowledge and experience. You will be better off working according to tested methods, not having to invent anything. Save your time and effort because during the periods of crisis and recession they could be worth their weight in gold.
The DBA Program in "Managing Innovation in an Organization" brings together the key elements of modern approaches to the corporate management of innovations in the sphere of products, services, business processes and business strategies.The program considers the elements of the holistic corporate system of innovation management, the structure and content of internal innovative processes, supporting the effective work of this system, as well as the methods and approaches that allow transforming the organizational culture of the enterprise into the innovative corporate culture.
The present doctoral program considers the practical applications and methods that facilitate innovative potential growth and improve the competitiveness of companies, considers and analyzes the best international practices in innovation management, systemically presents methodological approaches to the innovative model of managing organizations.
Many international companies have been using the methods of systemic management of innovations in their work for more than a decade. What about you?
We recommend this program to managers and leaders in the companies of any field, entrepreneurs and business owners, directors of innovative projects, specialists in corporate management, business analysts, and business development managers.
Managing Innovation DBA program content
Theme 1. Notion of innovations in managerial practice
Stereotypes regarding the term “innovations.” What innovations are not? Definition of innovations from the point of view of innovative management. Myths of innovative practice. Four main myths of innovations. Innovative organizations. Three Arenas of an Innovative Company model. Work atmosphere in the organization.
Theme 2. Creative Thinking Techniques
Divergent and convergent thinking. Essence and purpose of brainstorming. Preparing a brainstorming session. Brainstorming rules. Brainstorming session procedures. Analysis of the ideas on brainstorming session. Brainstorming and psychological obstacles for innovations. Mistakes in brainstorming sessions. Facilitator’s persona. Random object association technique. Method of “return” statements. Method of “role” thinking. The Dreamer, the Realist and the Critic Method. Six Hats of Thinking Method. TIPS - theory of inventive problem-solving. Essence and purpose of TIPS. Cornerstones of TIPS.
Theme 3. Technologies of searching for new ideas. Idea Management as a part of corporate cycle of innovation management
Method of Progressive Consumers: Essence and implementation algorithm. New Value Curve method. Algorithm of New Value Curve synthesis. Consumer Experience Cycle method. Corporate system of innovation management. Suggestion boxes. Five phases of the modern idea management system. Methods of the managerial assessment of ideas. Usability-Effort Matrix. Selecting ideas for practical implementation. Feedback with idea initiators. Innovative initiatives.
Theme 4. Managing Development of New Products
Corporate business processes for managing innovational projects. Stage-Gate© Process. Decision-making points (DMPs) in Stage-Gate© process. Rules of forming the project council. Key success factors in the development of new products. Principles of systemic Stage-Gate© process. Managerial assessment and selection of innovative projects. Financial models for the assessment of innovative projects. ECV method. 3D Project Map. Goals of management portfolio. Algorithm of setting priorities to innovative projects. Integration of management portfolio in Stage-Gate© process. Two-step structure of DMPs.
Theme 5. Incorporating partners into innovative activities
Incorporating suppliers into the innovative activities of the company. Principles of interaction with suppliers in the cycle of development and introducing new products onto the market. Innovative initiatives of suppliers as a source of sustainable compatibility of manufacturers on the market. How to support innovative initiatives of suppliers. Increasing the speed of innovative development by means of effective interaction with suppliers. Improving the key parameters of the innovative cycle by means of an effective partnership with suppliers.
Theme 6. Ways of Commercializing Innovations. Innovation metrics
Choice of an optimal commercialization model. Integration: profits and indirect advantages of the integration model. Optimal conditions for the recoupment of investments into innovations. “Conducting” model and its difference from outsourcing. Favorable conditions for “conducting.” Licensing and conditions which make licensing a good choice. The notion of innovation metrics. Innovative activity costs. Main innovation metrics. Innovation cost effectiveness coefficient. Mistakes in innovation measurements. Ways of building an effective innovation metrics system in the company. Cash curve. Money traps.
Theme 7. Creating Innovative Climate in the Organization
Signs of innovative culture. Organizational culture space. Methods of influencing organizational climate. “Risk Readiness” parameter as one of the key factors of the organizational culture in support of innovations. Elements of organizational culture. Roles of cultural norms and rules. Role of symbols. Setting up the culture that encourages creativity. Innovative organizational culture. Formation of innovative culture.
Theme 8. Leadership in the process of innovation
Attraction of innovative employees. Recruiting strategies of the innovative company. Leader of innovative projects. Key qualities of the innovation leader. Acquiring competencies of an effective team leader working in conditions of open innovations. The notion of coordination. Types of responsibilities. Persuading the organization that innovations are important. Distribution of resources. Choice of the innovative business model. Focusing on the right things. Transformation of dynasties. Appointing the right people to the right positions. Encouraging and modeling risk-taking.
Status & Diploma
Graduates of the DBA Managing Innovation program receive Official Diploma and International Qualification Certificate.
Tuition Fee
Full academic tuition fee £ 28000.
Grant cost of training under the EU grant program is £ 6500.